Hercule Poirot author: Agatha Christie One of the most famous detective in the mystery fiction. The Belgian detective Hercule Poirot first appeared in 1920 in Agatha Christie's first novel The Mysterious Affair at Styles.Poirot has many characteristics which have made him a legend all over the world - the odd moustache, the egg-shaped face and his high opinion of himself. He will though most likely be best remembered for his ability to solve complicated mysteries with the help of his little grey cells. :: see all Hercule Poirot books :: | |
Sherlock Holmes author: Arthur Conan Doyle Sherlock Holmes is the fictional creation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who wrote about the detective in a series of 60 stories published between 1887 and 1927. Holmes was famous for his extra-keen powers of observation, which he used to solve perplexing crimes and mysteries. He operated from his flat at 221b Baker Street in London, assisted by his friend Dr. Watson. Holmes was an immediate hit and remains so popular that he is sometimes mistaken for a real historical figure. Among the most famous Holmes stories are The Hound of the Baskervilles and A Study in Scarlet. :: see all Sherlock Holmes books :: | |
Ellery Queen author: Ellery Queen Ellery Queen, who appeared for the first time in "The Roman Hat Mystery," [1929] was invented by two cousins, Frederic Dannay and Manfred Lee. Ellery Queen serves as much as investigator as author. He can entertain his reader by relating his own adventures or those of his father, retired Inspector Richard Queen, of the New York Police Department. Like a bloodhound, Queen is a private investigator who works from his apartment on West 87th Street in New York. His stories are famous for their realistic approach to deduction, and the full dialogues of the colorful and amusing personages who abound in them. :: see all Ellery Queen books :: | |
Father Brown author: G. K. Chesterton A short story collection "The Innocence of Father Brown" (1911) began the career of one of most unlikely fictional detectives. The stories reveal a drab and seemingly unexceptional Roman Catholic priest -- an Englishman -- "formerly of Cobhole in Essex, and now working in London." He is amusing and companionable, and, when you get to know him, uncommonly witty and bright. He is also a hard-working and dedicated priest and, in addition to that, he has an uncommon gift for solving crimes. :: see all Father Brown books :: | |
Philip marlowe author: Raymond Chandler Marlowe is perhaps the leading icon of the "hard-boiled" school of mystery writing. The fictional creation of author Raymond Chandler, Marlowe is a private detective, a smart and tough lone wolf with a sense of honor. He works mainly in Los Angeles (where Chandler himself had lived). In all Marlowe appears in seven complete novels by Chandler, beginning with The Big Sleep (published 1939) and ending with Playback :: see all Philip marlowe books :: | |
Perry Mason author: Erle Stanley Gardner The world most famous literary lawer.Gardner's first Perry Mason stories THE CASE OF THE VELVET CLAWS and THE CASE OF THE SULKY GIRL appeared in 1933. "The character I am trying to create for him is that of a fighter who is possessed of infinite patience," he explained to his publisher. Perry comes off as a particularly hardboiled lawyer/detective, throwing his weight around, duking it out with suspects, breaking and entering, and other private eye shenanigans.Readers were enthusiastic and he gave up law and wrote eighty more Masons. :: see all Perry Mason books :: | |
![]() | Nero Wolfe author: Rex Stout Nero Wolfe is the detective in a long-running series of mystery novels by Rex Stout. He lives in an old four-story brownstone in New York City, on West Thirty-fifth Street. Living with him are his assistant, Archie Goodwin, his cook, Fritz Brenner, and his orchid nurse, Theodore Horstmann. He engages in detection to support his two loves, food and orchids. He says of orchids that they are "his concubines: insipid, expensive, parasitic and temperamental." Wolfe spends the hours of 9-11am and 4-6pm in the greenhouse on the roof, with Theodore and the orchids; the rest of the day is spent in his office. :: see all Nero Wolfe books :: |
![]() | Lord Peter Wimsley author: Dorothy Sayers Lord Peter Death Bredon Wimsey is a fictional character in a series of detective novels and short stories by Dorothy L. Sayers. Among Lord Peter's hobbies, apart from criminology, is collecting incunabula, and he is an expert on matters of food (especially wine) and male fashion, as well as on classical music.One of Lord Peter's cars is a 12-cylinder ("double-six"), 4-seated 1927 Daimler named "Mrs. Merdle" after a character in Little Dorrit by Charles Dickens. :: see all Lord Peter Wimsley books :: |
![]() | Lew Archer author: Dashiell Hammett LEW ARCHER stands with the Continental Op, Sam Spade and Philip Marlowe as one of the few P.I's who actually define the genre. What makes Archer unique among this group is not just the fact that the books are a sustained narrative spanning three decades, but that they also made the genre relevant to a changing society. The formula, where Archer reveals past crimes reflecting Greek tragedies or have Biblical allusions, become Macdonald's trade mark. :: see all Lew Archer books :: |
![]() | Sam Spade author: Ross Macdonald The original blonde Satan, Dashiell Hammett's SAM SPADE is surely one of the most important figures in the entire private eye genre. He made his debut in 1929 in the pages of Black Mask, in the serialized first part of The Maltese Falcon, and the genre has never been the same. He's a "hard and shifty fellow," a partner in the Archer and Spade Detective Agency of San Francisco. :: see all Sam Spade books :: |